martes, 15 de febrero de 2011

Actividad No.1

Introductory Reading For Being a Leader and The Effective Exercise of Leadership: An Ontological Model
Executive Summary:

Effective leadership does not come from mere knowledge about what successful leaders do; or from trying to emulate the characteristics or styles of noteworthy leaders; or from trying to remember and follow the steps, tips, or techniques from books or coaching on leadership. And it certainly does not come from merely being in a leadership position or in a position of authority or having decision rights. This paper, the sixth of six pre-course reading assignments for an experimental leadership course developed by HBS professor emeritus Michael C. Jensen and coauthors, accompanies a course specifically designed to provide actionable access to being a leader and the effective exercise of leadership as one's natural self-expression. Key concepts include:
One of the conditions for realizing the promise of the leadership course is that students must be open to examine, question, and then transform their worldviews (models of reality) and frames of reference (mindsets).
Students create for themselves a powerful 4-part contextual framework that calls them into being as a leader. Having done this what remains is to confront one's own Ontological Perceptual and Functional constraints so as: 1) to relax their ability to restrict one's perceptions of what must be dealt with in any leadership situation, and 2) to relax their ability to restrict one's freedom of choice for action in any leadership situation.
Students cannot master that which they do not create for themselves. This is especially true of anything that is at first counterintuitive.

Lectura introductoria para el Ejercicio Efectivo del Liderazgo desde un punto de vista Ontologico

El texto hace referencia a que el liderazgo no proviene de conocimiento de lo que hace el lider, ni tampoco de emular las caracteristicas o los diferentes estilos de liderazgo, asi como la infinidad de libros acerca del coaching y lideres. El enfoque que hace el Profesor Emeritus Michael C. Jensen y los coautores, es el desarrollo de un programa disenado para proveer acceso a ser lider de manera efectiva,pero basandose en una expresion natural o espontanea. La clave de este programa incluye lo siguiente:

- Primero que todo como condicion para aprobar el curso el estudiante debe comprometerse a examinar, cuestionar y transformar su punto de vista acerca del tema.

- El estudiante debe crear las cuatro principales caracteristicas que el considera debe tener un lider desde su propio punto de vista ontologico y funcional, esto implica no tener restricciones de su percepcion de ¨de lo que debe manejar¨ un lider en cualquier situacion, y tambien ser libre de elegir cualquier opcion y acciones en cualquier caso de liderazgo.

- El estudiante tiene mayor facilidad de dominar las cosas que el mismo a creado. Por eso, este metodo resulta bastante innovador al estimular la creatividad liberal


Oleida Gonzalez C.I.14657028

Belkis Gonzalez C.I.12697980

Andreina Mattiei C.I.18494528

Lilimar Gonzalez C.I.16848607

Valeria Sierra C.I.18409636

Kerlyn Urdaneta C.I.18742553

Miguel Añez C.I.17682970

Raul Mier C.I.13704703

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