lunes, 14 de febrero de 2011

UNIDAD II Estructura de la Oracion

Vatican wary of Confession: A Roman Catholic app; says iPhones, iPads can't replace confessionals

Confess to your iPad? Not so fast, says theVatican.
Officials in Rome have declared that an app available on Apple's iPhones, iPads and the iPod touch cannot serve as a confessional. "One cannot speak in any way of confessing via iPhone," Federico Lombardi, the Vatican's spokesman, said in a statement. "This cannot be substituted by any IT application."
Confession: A Roman Catholic app walks Catholics through the sacrament.It also keeps track of your sins and the time between confessions, information it keeps locked away via password protection.
Created for "those who frequent the sacrament and those who wish to return," the Indianapolis-based developers Little iApps says the Confession was meant to be used while in the confessional, but not as a replacement for it.
"This app invites Catholics to prayerfully prepare for and participate in the Rite of Penance," it said in a press release.
The company claims the app received an "imprimatur" from Bishop Kevin C. Rhodesof the Diocese of Fort Wayne, suggesting it was approved by the Catholic Church.
With News Wire Services

Se habla acerca de una aplicacion disponible para los dispositivos Iphone y Ipad para realizar la confesion catolica via remota y de que esta no puede ser reemplazo del proceso tradicional.

El texto gira en torno a la aplicacion llamada CONFESSIONS , programa creado por unos desarrolladores en indianapolis. Tambien habla de que no ha sido aprobada por la iglesia catolica.

sujeto compuesto............................. ----- ......................................................................predicado..........
Computer components are more effective than in previous versions
.... PRE.DOM.......... --NFN------------------     -NFV- ........................................................FV...................................................................

 ........sujeto compuesto...... --------- .........................................................predicado..................................
team members can work well under pressure handles
.PREDOM .. NFN..............   -NFV- ...................................................FV......................................................


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